Recruiting tips


Many think the task of recruiting is tough, but if you use some of the suggestions below, recruiting can be a rewarding opportunity for producers to visit about issues that are important to their business. 
When you go to sign up a new member, remember to:

     • Have a membership application with you.

     • Listen carefully to learn the person's concerns or interests.

     • Stick with those key issues once they're identified.

     • Show your personal conviction for the association, but also show respect for the other person's views.

     • Be prepared to answer predictable questions and overcome the potential objections.

     • Help potential members find the information they seek. 

    • When talking to a potential member, avoid asking, "Would you like to join?" It's too easy for the person to say "no."

Steps to a successful membership sale:

     • Make personal contact with the prospective member.

     • Get to know the prospective members, asking open-ended questions and listening to the answers.

     • Continue the conversation and attempt to learn the prospect's interests and concerns.

     • Find a position on an issue or concern that can lead to a successful membership sale. 

     • Explain the advantages of association membership, specifically concentrate on the prospect's key areas of interest.

The art of asking questions:

     • "How do you feel about …?"

     • "What would you suggest …?"

     • "What is your opinion …?"

Comments which encourage people to keep talking:

     • "I see."

     • "Tell me more."

     • "I understand."

Responses to common objections:

     Objection: "There isn't any reason for me to join, I will get all the benefits the association works for anyway."

     Response: "We should all be working together to make our organization the very best it can be at representing all of us."

     Response: "As a member, you can take an active part in decision-making, vote, hold office and have a voice."


     Objection: "I don't agree with a lot of things that the association does."

     Response: "It is your right to disagree. But the association prides itself on being a grassroots organization. As a member, you have many opportunities to influence and change the direction of the association if you disagree. But if you're not a member, you can't change anything.


Hopefully, these suggestions will help in your recruiting efforts. Listen to the potential member's concerns and objections, plan a strategy to deal with objections, try to overturn the objection by giving additional information and show value in membership and unity.

